initial comprehensive

Say goodbye to 15 minute appointments.
Say hello to comprehensive wellness care.

Payment plans available!

What’s included?

  • THREE 1:1 appointments with one of our integrative health coaches

  • Private 1:1 chat access between appointments

  • Comprehensive intake analysis

  • Lab interpretation

  • Individualized + easy to follow recommendations

  • A TON of education

  • FREE foundational health e-book

  • FREE non-toxic product guide

Investment: $879
Payment plans available

your body is meant to function optimally.
just because it’s common doesn’t mean it’s normal.


Get back weeks of your month to menstrual cycle sturggles

Address pesky bloating, constipation that has been written off as IBS.

Work with a practitioner who is a facilitator in your health, not a dictator

Together we will take a holistic + integrative approach to your health + wellness.


how our work impacts your life

  • No more being told your lab work is “normal” when you’re suffering

  • Work with a practitioner who addresses the WHOLE human (mind, body + spirit)

  • Get weeks back of your life from heavy, painful periods

  • No more bloating, distention + gas

  • Start having regular bowel movements

  • Ditch pesky adult acne

  • Improve your sleep + ditching mid afternoon crashes

  • Clarity + guidance with exercise, nutrition, relationships + more

  • Start thriving + say goodbye to your health limiting you from living a full, healthy, badass life!

what’s the value?

THREE 1:1 Sessions

Comprehensive intake + analysis of results

Private chat access + communication


FREE foundational health + non-toxic product guide


Total value $1,697

Cost to you $879



""I felt like you really care and wanted to figure out what was wrong. When I expressed my needs, it was clear that you listened and took them into consideration. I also love that you have a mental health background because it feels like I get more out of appointments with you. They're more well-rounded since we can discuss all aspects of health."

- Brooke H.

"Amazing knowledge all around explained at my level of understanding. Super comprehensive view of health all around. You have a great perspective in ways most professionals don’t!"

- Lisa M.

"Overall you explained everything in a very clear and concise manner (which I totally appreciate cause I know how hard it is to distill tons of information down). And I appreciate the bits of flexibility in the plan bc rigid rules definitely do not agree with me. & it all felt very judgement free!"

- Brenna M.

"Danielle has been amazing to work with thus far. Her intake and initial meeting with me was not only SO informational, but she's incredibly personable. She didn't just look over my list of symptoms and complaints and then address only a quarter of them- she addressed every single one of them. She asked in-depth questions, wanted to understand my lifestyle, asked what I wanted in terms of labs/tests, and then made a plan WITH me. I was hesitant and scared to have to be restricted when it comes to food/diet and Danielle assured me she would try to stay away from restriction unless absolutely necessary, and even then it would still be my choice. It has been 4 weeks since my initial consult and intake, and so far I have experienced a decrease in acne and redness to my face (where it has been steadily increasing over the past 10+ months), as well as a slight improvement in bloating. I have a long ways to go but I have no doubt that Danielle will lead me through this.

—Bailee F