Holistic Health Mentorship

If you are someone who has been struggling for years to get answers, who doesn’t feel heard by your medical practitioner + wish you knew the right things to say to get their attention– I have your back!

help me get answers


If you want to walk into your doctors visits confident + loaded with intellectual ammunition to get the evaluation you deserve for your concerns, but feel like you need a medical education to get your provider to listen to you– I am here to help you + give you that confidence + empowerment you’re looking for!

If you are someone who wants to be the CEO of their own health my downloads (??) are for you. I not only provide information  about different medical conditions, anatomy, physiology– but also effective strategies to talk to your doctor on your terms– but using the right language to get action! You can find my ____ by clicking here.


Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Any information provided on my website, to individuals, coaches or practitioners is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a medical provider or as medical advice. It is intended for education + informational purposes only for individuals or corporations. Information provided here has not been evaluated by any third party organizations such as the FDA or other medical organizations. Your healthcare is our responsibility + medical decisions are to be made only in partnership with your personal 1:1 physician or provider.