full cycle support

group coaching program with the option for individualized attention to acquire in depth knowledge to become an expert at implementing fertility awareness methods (also known as FAM).

What is it?


Fertility awareness methods (FAM) teaches you how to analyze your unique cycle to avoid pregnancy, achieving it or simply for monitoring overall health!

Say goodbye to synthetic hormones for birth control + develop a deeper connection + understanding of your body!

who’s it for?


If you are a menstruating female who wants to develop a deeper knowledge of your body + menstrual cycle— it’s for you!

Apply this knowledge to successfully identify the six day fertile window of each cycle to your personal fertility goals (whether you want to avoid or achieve pregnancy).

Why is fertility awareness important?


Many women are unfortunately misidentified as infertile because they have never been properly educated as to when they are actually fertile.

Fertility is unfortunately often identified based on ovulation occurring on day 14 of a cycle (not always true).

If you’re TTC (trying to conceive), you must first understand when you are fertile.

Maybe you are avoiding pregnancy. Fertility awareness methods help you avoid synthetic hormones + devices that have a laundry list of side effects.

FAM is 98% effective when performed perfectly. Which is the same as the perfect use effectiveness of the pill.

Last but not least. Your menstrual cycle is your fifth vital sign. Practicing FAM gives you a deeper understanding + connection to your overall health!

Menstrual cycle health is health. It’s your fifth vital sign. Harnessing your hormones, fertility + wellbeing is directly correlated to improvements in overall health.


Take control of your fertility no matter what your goals are without synthetic hormones or other birth control methods

Become informed to develop a deeper connection with your body + health

Learn to identify troublesome aspects of your cycle + health while also harnessing the knowledge to approach your doctor with confidence

Group experience

  • Four 60-90 minute group sessions led by Danielle

  • Group chat access via private electronic health record

  • 1:1 chat with Danielle through duration of course

  • BONUS: How to test your hormones guide

  • BONUS: Healthy hormones checklist

    $2,300 value for $799

group + individual experience

  • ONLY appropriate for individuals NOT currently utilizing hormonal contraceptives.

  • TWO personalized 1:1 meetings with Danielle for chart + DUTCH testing analysis (cost of test not included)

  • 10% discount on any further group or 1:1 services

  • Four 60-90 minute group sessions led by Danielle

  • Group chat access via private electronic health record

  • 1:1 chat with Danielle through duration of course

  • BONUS: How to test your hormones guide

  • BONUS: Healthy hormones checklist

    $3,300+ value for 1,299

customize your path

program outline



meeting 1
FAM basics

  • Get introduced to anatomy, hormones/physiology, cycle basics + cervical mucus (CM)

  • Introduction to BBT + LH strip testing

  • Charting exercises led by me to help you gain confidence

  • Learn how hormones impact your health

  • Q+A

meeting 2
FAM expert

  • Dive deeper into CM, BBT + LH strip testing

  • External factors impacting biomarkers + fertility

  • Identifying abnormal biomarkers + cycles

  • Charting exercises

  • Q+A

meeting 3
FAM + Family Planning

  • Putting it all together!

  • Master all aspects of FAM: CM, BBT, LH strip testing 

  • Master your understanding of the menstrual cycle

  • Extensive family planning information (avoiding + achieving pregnancy covered!)

  • Q+A


What about all that time in between sessions? 

You will have access to a private forum to collaborate with other group members + Danielle to ask questions to help you make progress when we aren’t together!  The program is set up across 3 months to give each of you time to go through several cycles. There will also be a bonus fourth meeting to help you put all of the information together!

BONUS! I know that questions always come up AFTER!  Which is why I’m offering a fourth meeting to work out all those kinks!

this is for you if…

You want to break free from relying on synthetic hormones + chemicals to prevent pregnancy, are looking to become pregnant at some point OR you know how important your cycle is to your health + want to monitor it!

if you are on hormonal birth control…

You CAN sign up for the group experience ONLY. But understand that you will not be able to track your cycle. This can be helpful if you want to gain an in depth understanding of how to perform fertility awareness methods prior to stopping birth control. However, please note that because you will be unable to track your cycle during our time together I cannot provide feedback on your capabilities. I highly suggest our menstrual misfits program or menstrual cycle 101 masterclass which also touches on the basics of fertility awareness!

this is for you if…

You are ready to dedicate time + effort to develop a deeper understanding of your cycle, fertility + health.

what’s the value?

4 sessions with me
$1000 value

Direct communication between sessions
$1000 value

THREE 1:1 sessions with me
$1000 value

$50+ value

BONUS month of direct access to me
$250+ value

at the end of the program you will


Have confidence charting your cycle for your unique purposes

Be able to identify health + hormone concerns + address them with confidence

Understand how to avoid or achieve pregnancy based on your body's biomarkers

Accurately identify ovulation + fertile window utilizing cervical mucus, basal body temperature, LH strip monitoring + other biomarkers