single session

Say goodbye to 15 minute appointments.
At empowered medicine you spend 75 minutes with a health professional to address your health with a comprehensive + integrative approach.

What’s included in a single session?

  • Comprehensive intake (REALLY comprehensive)

  • Order + interpreting lab work (say goodbye to begging your doctor for labs you want)

  • 75 minute visit breaking down your results + building a plan

  • Comprehensive education document + plan (I know it’s hard to remember everything that is said— so I write it ALL down for you!)

your body is meant to function optimally.
just because it’s common doesn’t mean it’s normal.


Get back weeks of your month to menstrual cycle sturggles

Address pesky bloating, constipation that has been written off as IBS.

Work with a practitioner who is a facilitator in your health, not a dictator

Together we will take a holistic + integrative approach to your health + wellness.

what’s the value?

30 minute onboarding call

Comprehensive intake + analysis of results

75 minute session

Total value of $662 with a cost to you of $225


how our work impacts your life

  • Get weeks back of your life from heavy, painful periods

  • No more bloating, distention + gas

  • Improved sleep so you have the energy you need to live a fully, healthy + badass life

  • Ditch diet culture + find food freedom

  • Clarity + guidance with exercise, nutrition, relationships + more

  • Finally ditch the health struggles you’ve been told are “normal” + start thriving to live a big ass life!



"I felt 100% heard, listened to + understood. Danielle didn’t push ANYTHING on me, instead I felt like an active participant vs being told what to do. Danielle gave a bunch of really great suggestions from meditation to yoga to movement to diet and supplements. I feel like ALL areas of health were addressed vs just looking at the problem + slapping a bandaid on it. I feel really good about the next steps moving forward + confident working Danielle will help me continue to improve + optimize my health."

- Jess C.

"You explain things in a way that is easy to digest. Even though I had a hunch what the results could look like, it was still very overwhelming to hear and absorb it. You did a great job of connecting the dots and really talking through each topic. I love your no bs attitude towards health and holding the medical field accountable, but in the same breath you are so incredibly empathetic. You are one of the very few Healthcare providers that actually cares about your patients and it shows."

- Brittany M.

"With this visit I was finally able to put together some missing pieces and have some hope that my symptoms could get better. It was so nice to feel seen and heard.”

- Bethany S.

"Danielle is a gem in the medical community. She is disrupting allopathic medicine in a positive way! I came to her to test my hormones + thyroid. I instantly loved her because she wants to find the root cause. She doesn't just prescribe a pill + send you on your way. She has so much knowledge and is always learning more to help her patients. If she doesn't know the answer, she will work to find it. If you are willing to put in the work, she will be right by your side. I highly recommend working with her! 10/10!”

- Cindy H.

Still have questions? Book a 30 minute consult call + we can work out the details + make sure we're a good fit!




Still have questions about what it’s like to work with me or what work we are able to do together?

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