5 Things causing your gut distress (ps it’s not food sensitivities)

1. Low calorie foods + artificial sweeteners.

This might be my favorite thing to screen clients for.  Especially when counting macros + in a deficit A LOT of women (sorry) tend to lean on these foods. I get it, I've been there-- no shade y'all.  BUT-- these are HARD on our digestive system.  I have had clients eliminate these foods (or significantly reduce) + swap for whole natural sources and POOF bloating GONE. 

2. Eating too fast.

When we eat too fast reasons three and four are also likely occurring.  When we physically eat fast a lot of the times we are swallowing a lot of air (same goes with when we chug liquids with meals.  Swallowing air leads to stressed digestion + more bloating. 

3. Eating in a stressed state.

Y'all.  Okay I am currently wearing a continuous glucose monitor + not only will eating while stressed state cause you to have worse glucose control it also will contribute to bloating as well (and likely constipation). And if stress levels are too high overall + we aren't managing stress well-- enter either running to the bathroom (yikes!) or not going for several days (double yikes!) While I'm on it-- WE NEED TO HAVE BOWEL MOVEMENTS DAILY.  Say it with me.  But really, just because it has been "your normal" for years doesn't' not mean it is normal. 

4. Not chewing your food enough.

It's rude that we are supposed to chew our food 20-30 times per bite, honestly.  Who has time for that? I get it.  But also, do you have time for the reflux and bloating it's causing you?  I'm just asking questions y'all.  When we don't break down our food enough in our mouth (where digestion actually starts mechanically and chemically with digestive enzymes)  its a stressor on our stomach + intestines. 

5. Not drinking enough water.

This is my favorite.  Remember going down a water slide as a kiddo + sometimes there wasn't enough water so the slide was you know-- kind of dry What happens?  Ya don't really go anywhere anytime fast.  When your intestines aren't getting enough water this is the same thing (ok kind of) that happens to stool-- enter the "I haven't pooped for 3 days" individual here.  Drink you water (+ hopefully your LMNT electrolytes, too!) Snag some LMNT HERE + get a FREE sample pack with any first time order :)

Now, while SOMETIMES GI distress has an easier fix, it isn't always that simple (SORRY, I know rude again).  Our team works with plenty of humans who struggle with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, H Pylori, Low stomach acid (ick), bacterial overgrowth, candida overgrowth + all kinds of issues that need more attention. So, sometimes you DO need to take a deeper look under da hood.  But give these things a spin first-- DM me and let me know how it goes or if you have questions! 


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