Top Factors to being a healthy human

Welcome back, friends!

Let's talk about my top factors to being a healthy hooman.


  • I know everyone is probably already sick of me talking about sleep. BUT getting 7-9 hours every night is important for mental health, reproductive hormones, glucose control, body composition, mental clarity, muscle repair + so much more.


  • Eat real food. Not too much. Not too little. Lots of plants, enough protein + let the rest fall where it may. I recommend simplicity. 3 meals per day. 1/2 plate fruit and/or veggies, 1/4 plate protein, 1/4 plate starches/healthy fats. Proportions will vary based on the activity level of said hooman. Snack as needed.

  • PS - the average menstruating female needs 2500 calories per day to have a healthy ovulatory cycle (eat up).


  • Exercise has so many benefits—improved glucose control, regulating circadian rhythm, endorphins, and serotonin. Make sure to take rest days also because overdooing it is incredibly common and has REALLY negative impacts on overall health. Get your steps. Lift the weights. Get out of breath a few times per week.

Mitigate Stress

  • Everyone has it. If you say you have no stress I’m sorry - but respectfully you are full of shit. Counter acting all of our nervous system activation is incredibly important to keeping cortisol in check. Yoga, breath work, meditation, connection with loved ones, restorative/relaxation time. Make sure you find time every day to chill and breathe somehow.


  • Have healthy and supportive relationships. NO your marriage/partner alone is not enough. the 19th surgeon general of the United States actually wrote a book on loneliness and how detrimental it is to our health (ah hem - as bad for you as smoking a pack of cigarettes per day). We as hoomans are “hard wired for connection” (Brene Brown). Find your tribe, doesn’t matter the size :)


  • People get really cranky with me on this one (sorry not sorry). Drinking several times per week is wreaking havoc on your body and your health whether you feel it (yet) or not. The liver is involved with glucose control, thyroid hormone conversion, estrogen detoxification, and so much more. Your liver is going to prioritize getting toxins the fuck out of your body and this is placing extra burden on our already over burdened livers! Go 30-90 days without it. Take notes.

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Make it a great week!


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