My parasite cleanse experience

For those who don’t know me— Hi, I’m Danielle. We are about to get real personal :)

For those of you who don’t yet know me well I’m a huge enthusiast of being a healthy human. But not in an obsessive biohacker type way.

I’ve weight lifted since the age of 12, learned a lot of lessons counting macros WAY too diligently for two years + on the other side of a lot of learning I eventually reached a really “healthy” place with being healthy.

If I’m starting at the beginning with a two cent version— I’ve likely had a quarter century of too much stress in my life. This led to me performing a DUTCH test about 6 months ago on myself. (DUTCH= dried urine testing for comprehensive hormones).

Female reproductive hormones are one of my favorite areas of medicine to study + to help my patients (and now myself) with.

I found that my cortisol was through the roof, estrogen + progesterone were almost non-existent + androgens (testosterone + DHEA-S) were “meh”.

Other relevant blood results demonstrated a sluggish thyroid (no autoimmune markers present), low end of normal Iron + TIBC (but optimal hemoglobin/hematocrit). Vitamins were also all optimal. HbA1c was 5.6 which was the scariest part for me. I’m about 5”4 130 pounds + 15% body fat. So there really isn’t any more room for me to put in more effort with “diet + exercise” which is what I would have heard from any conventional medicine practitioner.

I also ran GI MAP test that showed my gut immune system was in the pooper (totally a medical term) + I had some opportunistic bacteria. It did NOT show a parasite- BUT this is one part of one stool that was measured. So while testing is GREAT— it isn’t everything.

So what does this have to do with parasites?

There is no OBVIOUS reason for my issues besides stress. There especially is no obvious issue for my iron deficiency as I eat incredibly healthy + consume plenty of foods high in iron. One of the things that can happen is that parasites (or other bugs) living in your gut they tend to eat things like iron— creating an iron deficiency picture. They either eat it or the body hides it. Our bodies are literally SO stinking smart.

There are a lot of steps I took with supplements + lifestyle factors to address my stress, glucose control + hormones— I’m not going to go into all of them here.

After 3-4 months of doing a lot of base work on my hormones + glucose control I can say I KNOW I’m in a healthier spot. I wore a CGM months ago + also just a few weeks ago + the difference was amazing. I’m also having a lot of improvements in my symptoms of my luteal phase (sleep disturbance, sadness, etc).

But I still felt like something was going on. So I partnered with Cellcore Biosciences + decided to start a parasite cleanse.

cellcore biosciences. parasite cleanse kit.

CODE to purchase: XmUNT9kZ

Please note this is not medical advice + it is recommended to work with your practitioner with utilizing these products.

So I came home from my big pine backpacking trip + decided to get going. I took. My afternoon + evening doses (beginner level)— Cellcore is awesome + sends little note cards with how to take the supplements.

The next morning I woke up + continued the protocol as directed.

Later that afternoon I had a debilitating feeling of nausea + honestly like I was going to shit myself, sweats came over me + I almost felt like I was going to pass out.

Apparently this can be common, but also a sign that you need to reduce your dose + also expedite the removal of inflammatory toxins that are produced from the dying off of the parasites.

Introduce the coffee enema.

coffee enema

Click on photo to purchase :)

coffee enema. parasite cleanse. GI MAP

click photo for purchase link!

So what happened?

I backed off the strength of the parasite cleanse + performed my first coffee enema (eek). Shout out to my friend Courtney Thomas for walking me through that experience!

It was honestly a breeze. I was really worried about a lot of things (like making a mess). But it went really well + I definitely have felt improvements from it.

After I did the coffee enema I slowly ramped up the dose/strength of my para cleanse again.

A couple of days later I got some critters out- what I identified as rope worms. It looked like thick rope that was fraying wrapped around my stool.

I’m going to continue to do parasite cleanses around the full moon + possibly add it in daily.

I plan on retesting my DUTCH in a month or two + some other lab markers that were abnormal to see if we are moving in the right direction— but I feel like we definitely are!

Curious about dutch testing?

I’m currently taking 1:1 clients for DUTCH + GI MAP analysis. Click HERE to connect with me + learn more!

Until next time y’all!


All about Heart rate variability (hrv)


big pine backpacking trip